
Dulaney Valley Memorial Gardens encourages families to preplan their cemetery and funeral arrangements and take the frustration out of tomorrow's uncertainty. Pre-planning brings security, peace of mind and assurance to your family. Here are just some of the benefits:

Family Involvement

Including family in your preplanning decisions will give them a clear understanding of your wishes and preferences. This knowledge reduces the risk for family disagreements about what you would or would not have wanted.

Preferred Location

Planning in advance ensures an opportunity to select your desired burial location and secure either a family estate or adjoining spaces for family members interested in resting together.

Spend Less

Prearrangement guarantees your services and merchandise at today's prices, thus protecting your finances from inflation and market fluctuations. Planning ahead also eliminates the potential for emotional overspending by your loved ones at the time of need.

Preserve Insurance

Life insurance is meant for your beneficiaries as they adjust to the loss of income upon your passing. Financing cemetery and funeral arrangements with an insurance policy may deplete money designated for your loved ones, leaving their financial security in question.

Peace of Mind

Prearrangement provides peace of mind for both you and your family. You will feel a great sense of relief knowing your last wishes are understood and will be carried out accordingly. Your family will find comfort in knowing you cared enough to protect them even in death.